“I recommend, dear reader, that you get a copy of The Doctor´s House and have your own personal experiences with the story. Not many stories have the ability to be tailor made for the reader himself, but this book manages that. It dives deep in the roots where each individual has his own world of impressions and reflections. Conclusion: A good story with a powerful ending. The charm lies in what is unsaid and how that reflects the reader. Becomes a tailor made story for each reader.”
Kolfinna Von Arnardóttir.“Thanks for a great book Bjarni Múli Bjarnason, exciting and mystical, and both modern and ancient in temperament at the same time.”
Bergsveinn Birgisson.
"A really exciting book that dwells on the borders of fiction, autobiography, crime and ghost story. I wholeheartedly recommend it.”
Soffía Auður Birgisdóttir.
The book got much media attention, and was on the cover of the biggest Newspaper in Iceland, Fréttablaðið:
Dularfulla húsið á Eyrarbakka/The mystical house at Eyrarbakki.
Ógnvænlegt andrúmsloft.
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